Monday, February 18, 2008

THING 30!!!!!!

This was an interesting and at times fun program. I definately learned a great deal. However, I think it was a tad long. It took a long time, longer than I thought it would. I believe those in busy agencies working part-time would have a hard time completing all the things.

I would participate again but I must admit the MP3 player has been a good incentive! Thanks for the opportunity to learn.

Thing 29

Almost there! My favorite exercises were Library Thing and Flickr. Interestingly enough, just last night I saw the value of tagging in photosharing sites. I found a photo of my husband's great, great, great Aunt in Maine. Very cool. I plan to spend some time with Library Thing when I get the chance to do some exploring.

This program has expanded my internet horizons and will certainly not be afraid to try out all the technology being created every second.

Thing 28

Rollyo, rollyo, where for art thy rollyo?

Rollyo is pretty cool and I will probably try it out in the future. I added the search to my blog page and will try it out to make sure it works. Amazing all the things you can do on the Web.

Thing 27

Really enjoyed Library Thing and plan to go back and spend some time. I added 5 books to my library to start. Here is the link:


Thing 26

This is part of my name in cuneiform. You can go to site called "Write like a Babylonian," it is an image generator site that kids would enjoy. Check it out!

Thing 25

Podcasts and Libraries -

I looked at several library web sites using podcasts. Some seemed very useful to the patron at home, some just seemed fun. The lapsit recording with video was cute and the story books were nice. I do have to say, why play a podcast of a stranger reading a book when you can read to your child instead?

I looked at one site where teens were contributing local news and book reviews etc. That was interesting. However, most all the sites have not been updated this year. It seems everyone is very excited and posting in the beginning, but the newness wears off.

Thing 24

Podcasts -

Podcasts can be very useful. I need to remember my BLOGLINES account and start to use it! I used Yahoo search and found a podcast for NPR Commentary. It is now on my bloglines account. Very easy process. Since I am currently obsessed with genealogy I searched for a podcast on the subject, which led me to an NPR commentary on DNA and genealogy. Evidently not a good mix.